Mariah Carey didn’t talk to her sister, even though she knew she was dying: Reports

Mariah Carey tells her friend that she spared herself from contacting her dead sister Alison because she knew her illness
Mariah Carey reportedly was aware of her sister Alison Carey dying but did nothing to reach out to her. Over the weekend, the same day the singer lost her sister, her mother, Patricia Carey also died on the same day. On Monday, Mariah broke the news in a really emotional and tearful manner.

Mariah did not reach her sister

According to David Baker, Mariah’s long-time friend, the singer never called her sister to reach out after her separation. She had not followed up on Alison even though she was under hospice treatment weeks ago. Baker said, “To Alison, a call or, better still, a video call would have meant so much. Still, it never arrived.” Baker said the singer of Don’t Forget About Us knew her sister was dying one month before her passing.

Page Six quotes Mariah’s friend as saying the older sister was “devastated” by the singer’s decision to “cut ties with her” and didn’t keep in any touch. “The heartless abandonment made Alison’s pain worse,” he says. She would talk about it all the time. She even speculated if Mariah or any of her nieces and nephews would attend her funeral. Not anything today, I’m told, but a memorial service is being planned for later.

Alienation of Mariah with her siblings

The controversy that emerged after Mariah released her memoir, The Meaning of Mariah Carey, caused division between her and her sister and brother, Morgan Carey. The claims and content from the memoir caused her siblings to sue her for “intentional infliction of emotional distress” and slander.

According to the court record of this case, Alison had problems with alcohol and other related health problems. On the side of losing her vision and short-term memory due to the 2015 home invasion incident, Alison suffered from a brain injury; backache and digestive problems also troubled her.

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Also Read: All About the Parents of Mariah Carey Roy Carey, Alfred and Patricia Carey

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